Lifting The Veil, Esoteric Insights
Spirituality/Belief • Education • Culture
THE ULTIMATE COSMIC KNOWLEDGE! Heavy Hitting Original Truths about mind blowing topics like you've never seen before! Covering highly obscure and taboo as well as Anthropology, deep Esoteric truths and symbology, Semiotics, Metaphysics, Sacred Geometry, Astrotheology, Astrology, Language Etymology, theology, mythology, psychology, Russellian Science, Zero Point Science, Sovereignty, Reclaiming Dominion, Health science, EXPOSING Fraud/Corruption/Crimes against HUMANITY, and SO MUCH MORE!
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Phoenix symbolism

“The Phoenix is also symbolically represented as a Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Rooster and even the Thanksgiving Turkey (as the roasted offering at the death of the season), all the symbols of the ANNUAL SEASONAL DEATH AND RE'S ERECTION OF THE SUN and the inner SUN of consciousness within man. 🦅 🔥

I found it very intriguing that the turkey as an analog of the Eagle or phoenix for some reason is directly homologous to the human brain structure, the head similar to the thalamus penetrating the cerebral vault, the neck and gizzard as the pons or medulla, or especially the tail feathers corresponding to the form of the cerebral arch and the breast feathers are a DIRECT mirror of the ridges on the posterior lobe of the human cerebellum, complete with a T or Tau like cross on the turkey's breast that syncs with a T or Tau cross of the cerebellum! Bear with me, it gets better, trust me.

The bi lateral symmetry is uncanny. This will make much more sense after the next segment about the phoenix representing the human psyche and physiology as well as the Fornix of the brain coming from etymology of FURNACE which is a VAULTED ARCHWAY OF A BRICK OVEN, where the turkey gets IMMOLATED in the FIRE of transformation, just as our consciousness is transformed in the FIRE of SELF PURIFICATION! 🔥🦃

The ancient symbolic Phoenix, or Bennu bird, interchanged with the modern Eagle as the symbol of trancendence, transformation and rebirth, lays the sacred cosmic egg atop the symbolic "world tree or mountain," of mythology, the same way that eagles nest at the very top of great trees or mountain cliffs. “ ⛰️

Cullen smith - “ Phoenix Consciousness Rising From the Ashes of Pyrification”

Full ebook Link in bio.

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Nuremburg 2.0


join me here before im suspended. UNCENSORED FREE SPEECH SOCIAL MEDIA site

Trust the Psyence

Documentary exposing covid cult fanatic mind control and the DATA!

Follow the Psyence

Full film here

New paper shows clearly that COVID vaccines increased mortality in nursing home staff

Executive summary

A new paper by Girma and Paton showed by using machine learning a small but dubious (and short lived) benefit for nursing home residents in 2 of 3 metrics.

But the big news is the impact on the nursing home staff. There, the impact on BOTH covid deaths and all-cause deaths was 100% consistent in all 7 time periods and for each vaccine dose: it always made things worse, and for the primary series, every single one of the 14 measures were highly statistically significant (99% confident).

This is yet another paper showing continuation of COVID vaccination is nonsensical. But the data doesn’t seem to matter and nobody wants to talk about it.

As usual, expect the mainstream media to ignore this important paper as they do for any paper that shows that government officials and health authorities weren’t telling the truth.


Hillary Clinton unveil massive censorship plan along with Bill Gates and former presidential candidate John Carrey
Four foods that actually make new mitochondria !!!

I don’t care who you are or what’s your health statuses this presentation is absolutely mind blowing even for me and I thought I knew it all this is a must

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