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Heart shape symbolism

we are constantly bombarded with commerical heart shape symbols and products.

ROMANCE, "comes" from the ROMANS "from Vulgar Latin *romanice scribere "to write in a Romance language" (one developed from Latin instead of Frankish), from Latin Romanicus "of or in the Roman style," from Romanus "Roman".

Valentine’s day symbolism is based predominantly as Romanicus “IN THE ROMAN STYLE”. So in honor of the international day of Romans, let’s observe the tradition as we “do as the Romans do,” or “in the roman style- Romantic Romanicus”. We will cover this theme throughout the presentation.

"The name of this month comes from the Roman goddess Februa and St. Febronia (from Febris, the fever of love). She is the patroness of the passion of love ...

Her orgiastic rites are celebrated on 14 February - still observed as St. Valentine's Day - when, in Roman times, young men would draw billets naming their female partners...

This is a time of clear vision into other worlds, expressed by FESTIVALS OF PURIFICATION. (We will cover the sexual purification rituals later on).

On 1 February is the celebration of the cross-quarter day, or fire festival (Imbolc) a purificatory festival. It is followed on the 2nd by its Christian counterpart, Candlemas, THE PURIFICATION OF THE VIRGIN Mary." ["The Pagan Book of Days", Nigel Pennick]

Valentine's Day is a day of "orgiastic rites" in which the pagans encouraged the flow of lustful passion.

Origins‬ of the Popular Heart Shape in Romance

text in quotations are by Cezary Jan Strusiewicz

"It's one of the most ubiquitous symbols on the planet, appearing everywhere from cards to candy to jewelery to bikers' tattoos. The common heart shape is such a part of everyday life, in fact, that it's easy to overlook the fact that it actually looks nothing whatsoever like a heart. What's with that?"

With Valentines Day perpetually approaching on the horizon, we are bombarded with heart shape symbols.

The heart shape has origins strictly in fertility. Specific suggestions include: the shape of the seed of the ‪#‎silphium‬ plant, used in ancient times as an herbal contraceptive, and stylized depictions of features of the human female body, such as the female's buttocks, pubic mound, or spread vulva, vaginal bulb of the vestibule, to the male scrotum.

"Well, there's some pretty convincing evidence that it was never supposed to be a heart in the first place, but if you trace the heart symbol back as far as you can, you wind up finding it on old Roman coins, like this one below:

But that's not supposed to be someone's cardiac muscle. That's the seedpod of the silphium plant, a herb so prized for its birth control capabilities that the Romans literally fucked it to extinction.”

"But while it existed, depictions of its seeds were widespread across the Roman Empire, to the point where it appeared on their money. To get a proper grasp of how much the Romans liked to hide the sausage, imagine if the Founding Fathers had printed a picture of a condom on the dollar bill.

Historians aren't absolutely certain that this was the origin of the symbol we use today, rather than some crazy coincidence, but it beats our best alternative theory, which is "Damned if we know." If true, then the universal symbol for love began as the universal symbol for hard dicking, which kind of makes your Mother's Day card a little awkward.

We can still trump that, though. See, the Romans did liken the shape of the silphium plant to a bodily organ, but it wasn't the heart. To see the original design, you have to flip the image upside-down.

That's right. The box of candies you bought your girlfriend for Valentine's Day is actually a bunch of multicolored, dangling nutsacks."

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The Cubic lattice appears to be the universal Paternal constant of mathematical construction of Maternal mass,
matter and ultimately, form.

"The Cube of Space is an occult concept that was invented by the prominent occultist Paul
Foster Case. The Cube of Space associates the three axes of the cube, the center point of the
cube, the six sides of the cube, and the twelve edges of the cube, with the 22 letters of the
hebrew alphabet. The Cube of Space is based upon two verses in the proto-kabbala text called the Sepher Yetzirah.

Page 60 Cullen James Smith The Hivemind Invasion of Civilization

Cullen Smith Lifting The Veil

#symbolism #cullensmith #LiftingTheVeil #syncretism #language #esoteric #witch #witchy #saturn #astrology #tarot #revivalofwisdom #mythology #occult #symbolsofpower

“The Saturn Matrix” but with SCIENCE

The Cubic lattice appears to be the universal Paternal constant of mathematical construction of Maternal mass,
matter and ultimately, form.

"The Cube of Space is an occult concept that was invented by the prominent occultist Paul
Foster Case. The Cube of Space associates the three axes of the cube, the center point of the
cube, the six sides of the cube, and the twelve edges of the cube, with the 22 letters of the
hebrew alphabet. The Cube of Space is based upon two verses in the proto-kabbala text called
the Sepher Yetzirah.

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Pandemic Truths: Unpacking the COVID Select Committee Report

Today, we're diving deep into the findings of the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic report, a moderately comprehensive document that sheds light on the origins, missteps, and long-term implications of the pandemic response. While we find much to discuss—and critique—within its pages, this report is another crucial entry into the growing library of work highlighting the urgent need for accountability and reform.

Together, we'll explore its insights and use them to advocate for a future where overreach, mismanagement, and infringements on our fundamental rights are not tolerated. This conversation is vital to ensuring that the lessons of the past guide us toward a more just and resilient tomorrow.


Breaking: The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide

No matter how bad you think Covid policies were, they were intended to be worse.

Consider the vaccine passports alone. Six cities were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed.

It was undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had to be dialed back.

Features of the CDC’s edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous “six feet of distance” and mask mandates. It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible. It was sadistic.

Even with all that, worse was planned. On July 26, 2020, with the ...

Govt Hearing Expert Testimony! COVID CONFIRMED 100% BIOTERROR!

Congressmen Scalise and Comer, Members of the Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, Ladies and Gentlemen.

My name is Steven Quay and I am honored to speak at this forum. I am a physician-scientist with over 360 publications on a wide range of topics in science and medicine. I have 87 issued patents in 22 different fields of medicine, including the chemistry of RNA drugs like the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. I have invented seven FDA-approved medicines that have been used by millions of people worldwide.

I appreciate the non-partisan approach the Subcommittee is taking today. Clearly, science in the last few years, but especially on topics related to the COVID pandemic, has been coopted by geopolitics. Thus, I am here, not as a mouthpiece for any political party, but as an American scientist.
I dedicate my testimony today to the more ...

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