BA EL or BA AL as the "son of god, EL", is the representative of the BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT of the SUN and energy emission, as "GOD IS LIGHT" "FOR THE LORD, YOUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE!" The FIRE FERTILITY of BEL TANE "beautiful white light of fire" is exactly why A Song of Ice and Fire gives us the "LORD OF LIGHT," who DEMANDS SACRIFICIAL HOLOCAUSTS OF CHILDREN! Just as semitic BAAL/ MLK "meaning KING, LORD, MASTER", was associated with the sacrificial holocaust of children. Genesis 8:21 “Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and OFFERED BURNT OFFERINGS on the altar. The LORD smelled the sweet, savory aroma; and was pleased.” 19 “Then Moses slaughtered the ram and sprinkled the blood against the altar on all sides. 20 He cut the ram into pieces and burned the head, the pieces and the fat. 21 He washed the inner parts and the legs with water and burned the whole ram on the altar as a burnt offering, A PLEASING AROMA, AN OFFERING MADE TO THE LORD BY FIRE, AS THE LORD COMMANDED MOSES,” holocaust (n.) mid-13c., "SACRIFICE BY FIRE, BURNT OFFERING," from Greek holokauston "A THING WHOLLY BURNT," neuter of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" linked to HOLY (see holo-) + kaustos, verbal adjective of kaiein "TO BURN." Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings," see my full article "EL: The Illuminaughty Bull God of the Bible" for so much more on this ALUMINUM is a HIGHLY COMBUSTIBLE OXIDATIVE AGENT, dramatically increasing FIRE TEMPERATURE RANGES and VOLATILITY, which also drops air pressure and burns off humidity, and is the reason why all of the North American west coast is SACRIFICIAL BURNT OFFERING every year when it erupts in the most destructive firestorms ever recorded due to the highly volatile aluminum nanospherical particulates being sprayed. Hence, THE BRIGHT FIRE LIGHT of AL LUMIN UM. Not Secular etymology but in esoteric phonemics, AL is semitic and arabic for “god”, lumen is LIGHT and um is slavic for MIND, hence the The BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT OF THE OMNIPRESENT UNIVERSAL MIND as electromagnetism, or ELectricity gives us BA EL as the "son of god" in the Phoenician pantheon. MOLoch gives us the term imMOLate, "sacrificial victim," (BY SCORCHING FIRE, BURNT OFFERING). The Phoenician god EL of the Old Testament was identified with Greek Cronus, due to the parallel mytheme of Cronus devouring his children, just as EL or BA EL demanded sacrifices of children. YOU are the proverbial oxidative sacrifice by fire. So you fully understand what i mean by fire sacrifice and true pyrification, see Pheonix Consciousness Rising from the Esoteric Ashes of Pyrification, as the true sacrificial pyre is found WITHIN YOU in meditation sitting like a PYRE AMID "fire in the midEL" as the alkhemical electrical "fire of the gods" burns away your own psychosomatic impurities in the nervous system which makes us able to hold more charge, more spiritual fire, more LIGHT! >> The Phoenician Phoenix was the ancient representation of the SACRIFICIAL HOLOCAUST PYRIFICATION of the death and rebirth. Oxidative ALUMINUM has The atomic number of 13, which is the sacred number of universal constants as the transcendence of the 12: 60 hexagessimal system, as well as triskadecaphobia, the fear of death by the number 13, as it is the number of DEATH AND REBIRTH of natural cycles and systems of 12 in the hexigessimal system! BARIUM is has an atomic mass of 137.33, the 33rd PRIME number. Using two radii to divide a circle according to the golden ratio yields sectors of approximately 137° (THE GOLDEN ANGLE) and 222°. Physicists generally consider the age of the Universe to be 13.7 billion years. In the Jewish Old Testament, 137 is the age of Abraham when he was told to SACRIFICE HIS CHILD Isaac. The Hebrew word קבלה (Kabbalah) has a Gematria (numerical value) of 137. Kabbalah means "mystical interpretation of the Jewish Old Testament, recieved or Tradition passed down the generations" while CABALa is etymologically linked and gives us the root word CABAL, which is a SMALL GROUP MEETING IN SECRET (usually for nefarious purposes). "The earlier nuance of meaning is seen in the first appearances of its root in the Torah (Exodus 26:5 and 36:12), where it means “parallel” or “corresponding” rather than “receiving.” It is used to describe the “corresponding loops” which, when clasped together, enjoined the two sections of the Tabernacle’s ceiling. These loops were suspended directly over the veil that divided the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Symbolically, this is the threshold between the physical dimension and the utterly spiritual dimension. In other words, at the boundary line of the physical world, the number 137 emerges. The wisdom of Kabbalah is to find correspondences between the mundane and spiritual levels of reality." excerpt from my full Burning Man Holocaust presentation: © Cullen Smith Check out my books! 🤝 @Lifting_TheVeil is now on all social media. All of my full video presentations and articles can be found on my youtube channel and patreon page by subscribing to LIFTING THE VEIL: ESOTERIC INSIGHTS, RESEARCH & EDUCATION at for full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more! SEE YOU SOON! MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND WISDOM!">
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Baal Hadad/ Moloch was the son of Semitic Phoenician deity EL which means "God", and EL as Greek correspondence of Cronus. Baal is cognate with Bel also in Latin form Belus, heaven-and-earth god of Babylonian religion, from Akkadian Belu, literally "LORD, owner, master," and comes from the root word BHEL which summarizes as "BEAUTIFUL, BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT or FIRE," and gives us the Pagan cross quarter FIRE FERTILITY RITUEL OF BELTANE. No, beltane is not evil though, it's just about the beautifull fire light of THE SUN OF GOD, the LIGHT OF THIS WORLD which is the fertility and freedom of NATURE, the LIGHT OF CONSCIOUSNESS, THE ETERNAL FLAME . see my full presentation >

BA EL or BA AL as the "son of god, EL", is the representative of the BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT of the SUN and energy emission, as "GOD IS LIGHT" "FOR THE LORD, YOUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE!"

The FIRE FERTILITY of BEL TANE "beautiful white light of fire" is exactly why A Song of Ice and Fire gives us the "LORD OF LIGHT," who DEMANDS SACRIFICIAL HOLOCAUSTS OF CHILDREN! Just as semitic BAAL/ MLK "meaning KING, LORD, MASTER", was associated with the sacrificial holocaust of children.

Genesis 8:21
“Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and OFFERED BURNT OFFERINGS on the altar. The LORD smelled the sweet, savory aroma; and was pleased.”

19 “Then Moses slaughtered the ram and sprinkled the blood against the altar on all sides. 20 He cut the ram into pieces and burned the head, the pieces and the fat. 21 He washed the inner parts and the legs with water and burned the whole ram on the altar as a burnt offering, A PLEASING AROMA, AN OFFERING MADE TO THE LORD BY FIRE, AS THE LORD COMMANDED MOSES,”

holocaust (n.)

mid-13c., "SACRIFICE BY FIRE, BURNT OFFERING," from Greek holokauston "A THING WHOLLY BURNT," neuter of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" linked to HOLY (see holo-) + kaustos, verbal adjective of kaiein "TO BURN." Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings,"

see my full article "EL: The Illuminaughty Bull God of the Bible" for so much more on this

ALUMINUM is a HIGHLY COMBUSTIBLE OXIDATIVE AGENT, dramatically increasing FIRE TEMPERATURE RANGES and VOLATILITY, which also drops air pressure and burns off humidity, and is the reason why all of the North American west coast is SACRIFICIAL BURNT OFFERING every year when it erupts in the most destructive firestorms ever recorded due to the highly volatile aluminum nanospherical particulates being sprayed. Hence, THE BRIGHT FIRE LIGHT of AL LUMIN UM.

Not Secular etymology but in esoteric phonemics,
AL is semitic and arabic for “god”, lumen is LIGHT and um is slavic for MIND, hence the The BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT OF THE OMNIPRESENT UNIVERSAL MIND as electromagnetism, or ELectricity gives us BA EL as the "son of god" in the Phoenician pantheon.

MOLoch gives us the term imMOLate, "sacrificial victim," (BY SCORCHING FIRE, BURNT OFFERING).

The Phoenician god EL of the Old Testament was identified with Greek Cronus, due to the parallel mytheme of Cronus devouring his children, just as EL or BA EL demanded sacrifices of children.

YOU are the proverbial oxidative sacrifice by fire. So you fully understand what i mean by fire sacrifice and true pyrification, see Pheonix Consciousness Rising from the Esoteric Ashes of Pyrification, as the true sacrificial pyre is found WITHIN YOU in meditation sitting like a PYRE AMID "fire in the midEL" as the alkhemical electrical "fire of the gods" burns away your own psychosomatic impurities in the nervous system which makes us able to hold more charge, more spiritual fire, more LIGHT! >>

The Phoenician Phoenix was the ancient representation of the SACRIFICIAL HOLOCAUST PYRIFICATION of the death and rebirth.

Oxidative ALUMINUM has The atomic number of 13, which is the sacred number of universal constants as the transcendence of the 12: 60 hexagessimal system, as well as triskadecaphobia, the fear of death by the number 13, as it is the number of DEATH AND REBIRTH of natural cycles and systems of 12 in the hexigessimal system!

BARIUM is has an atomic mass of 137.33, the 33rd PRIME number.
Using two radii to divide a circle according to the golden ratio yields sectors of approximately 137° (THE GOLDEN ANGLE) and 222°.

Physicists generally consider the age of the Universe to be 13.7 billion years.

In the Jewish Old Testament, 137 is the age of Abraham when he was told to SACRIFICE HIS CHILD Isaac.

The Hebrew word קבלה (Kabbalah) has a Gematria (numerical value) of 137. Kabbalah means "mystical interpretation of the Jewish Old Testament, recieved or Tradition passed down the generations" while CABALa is etymologically linked and gives us the root word CABAL, which is a SMALL GROUP MEETING IN SECRET (usually for nefarious purposes).

"The earlier nuance of meaning is seen in the first appearances of its root in the Torah (Exodus 26:5 and 36:12), where it means “parallel” or “corresponding” rather than “receiving.” It is used to describe the “corresponding loops” which, when clasped together, enjoined the two sections of the Tabernacle’s ceiling. These loops were suspended directly over the veil that divided the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Symbolically, this is the threshold between the physical dimension and the utterly spiritual dimension. In other words, at the boundary line of the physical world, the number 137 emerges. The wisdom of Kabbalah is to find correspondences between the mundane and spiritual levels of reality."

excerpt from my full Burning Man Holocaust presentation: © Cullen Smith

Check out my books! 🤝

@Lifting_TheVeil is now on all social media.
All of my full video presentations and articles can be found on my youtube channel and patreon page by subscribing to LIFTING THE VEIL: ESOTERIC INSIGHTS, RESEARCH & EDUCATION at for full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more!

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The Cubic lattice appears to be the universal Paternal constant of mathematical construction of Maternal mass,
matter and ultimately, form.

"The Cube of Space is an occult concept that was invented by the prominent occultist Paul
Foster Case. The Cube of Space associates the three axes of the cube, the center point of the
cube, the six sides of the cube, and the twelve edges of the cube, with the 22 letters of the
hebrew alphabet. The Cube of Space is based upon two verses in the proto-kabbala text called the Sepher Yetzirah.

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Cullen Smith Lifting The Veil

#symbolism #cullensmith #LiftingTheVeil #syncretism #language #esoteric #witch #witchy #saturn #astrology #tarot #revivalofwisdom #mythology #occult #symbolsofpower

“The Saturn Matrix” but with SCIENCE

The Cubic lattice appears to be the universal Paternal constant of mathematical construction of Maternal mass,
matter and ultimately, form.

"The Cube of Space is an occult concept that was invented by the prominent occultist Paul
Foster Case. The Cube of Space associates the three axes of the cube, the center point of the
cube, the six sides of the cube, and the twelve edges of the cube, with the 22 letters of the
hebrew alphabet. The Cube of Space is based upon two verses in the proto-kabbala text called
the Sepher Yetzirah.

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Pandemic Truths: Unpacking the COVID Select Committee Report

Today, we're diving deep into the findings of the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic report, a moderately comprehensive document that sheds light on the origins, missteps, and long-term implications of the pandemic response. While we find much to discuss—and critique—within its pages, this report is another crucial entry into the growing library of work highlighting the urgent need for accountability and reform.

Together, we'll explore its insights and use them to advocate for a future where overreach, mismanagement, and infringements on our fundamental rights are not tolerated. This conversation is vital to ensuring that the lessons of the past guide us toward a more just and resilient tomorrow.


Breaking: The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide

No matter how bad you think Covid policies were, they were intended to be worse.

Consider the vaccine passports alone. Six cities were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed.

It was undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had to be dialed back.

Features of the CDC’s edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous “six feet of distance” and mask mandates. It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible. It was sadistic.

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Govt Hearing Expert Testimony! COVID CONFIRMED 100% BIOTERROR!

Congressmen Scalise and Comer, Members of the Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, Ladies and Gentlemen.

My name is Steven Quay and I am honored to speak at this forum. I am a physician-scientist with over 360 publications on a wide range of topics in science and medicine. I have 87 issued patents in 22 different fields of medicine, including the chemistry of RNA drugs like the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. I have invented seven FDA-approved medicines that have been used by millions of people worldwide.

I appreciate the non-partisan approach the Subcommittee is taking today. Clearly, science in the last few years, but especially on topics related to the COVID pandemic, has been coopted by geopolitics. Thus, I am here, not as a mouthpiece for any political party, but as an American scientist.
I dedicate my testimony today to the more ...

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